Mitron is a 2018 Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy film directed by Nitin Kakkar, written by Sharib Hashmi and produced by Vikram Malhotra under the Abundantia Entertainment banner. An official remake of the 2016 Telugu film Pelli Choopulu, it stars Jackky Bhagnani with Kritika Kamra, Pratik Gandhi and Shivam Parekh in their film debuts. Set in the Gujarati milieu, the film traces the journey of Jay and Avni, as they set out on the path of finding themselves amidst their social and cultural backgrounds.
Plot: Jay's father is not happy with Jay's relaxed approach to life and so, in an attempt to get him to mature, he arranges for him to meet a girl with an eye for marriage. Unfortunately, Jay's father gets the address wrong and they end up at Avni's house. Avni also happens to also be expecting a boy. Both families send the couple upstairs to see if they like each other and by accident, Jay ends up locking them in along with Avni's young cousin. From hereon ensues a chain of circumstances that will change their lives forever..
Payal Kapadia Finds..
Since their significant Cannes victory, Payal Kapadia and her film All We Imagine As..