Shraddha Kapoor continues to give her fans snippets of her day on social media. Although some of the captions are thoughtful, her admirers are amazed at how, despite being a skilled actress, she acts like regular folks. The diva posted about her flawless start to 2025 on social media on the first day of the year. She spent time with her family, went to the gym, and patted her pets.
Shraddha Kapoor posted four pictures on her Instagram stories on January 1, 2025, which aptly captured her first day of the new year. The Teen Patti debutante from the gym took the first picture as a selfie. An image of blueberries and soaked dry fruits—likely consumed first thing in the morning—followed. She cuddled with her two beloved dogs in the fourth photo, while the third featured a row of vibrant flowers. "Perfect start to 2025," she captioned the photos.
Almost immediately after, her brother Siddhanth Kapoor posted a cute family photo on social media, most likely from a restaurant. In addition to the Kapoor siblings, Priyaank Sharma, Tejaswini Kolhapure Saraswat, Padmini Kolhapure, and numerous more were included in the picture. Siddhanth Kapoor captioned the image, saying, “2024 was intense and beautiful both, bringing a lotta Love , Peace and Positivity for everyone. Happy New Year all.”
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