Diljit Dosanjh is now teasers for his next movie, Punjab 95, after creating a stir on the internet with his Dil-luminati Tour. The actor from Border 2 has now revealed BTS peeks, indicating that the teaser for the biopic drama will be released on January 17, 2025, only days after he announced the film's February release date.
Diljit Dosanjh posted a number of BTS images from his forthcoming movie, Punjab 95, on his Instagram account on January 15.
The article starts with a brutal look at him in the role, with his hands bound with a rope while he is confined in the jail. The intensity is increased by the poorly lit prison and Dosanjh's closed eyes. He may be seen reading a newspaper once more, and then there's a picture of him looking at a funeral pyre from the cremation site. As the post came to an end, he stood in the dark and went over a paper.
Fans were so excited by the post that they poured their feelings on the movie into the comments area. "The most anticipated film GOOSEBUMPS ALREADY," one admirer said, while another commented, "The resemblance is remarkable! The hallmark of an exceptional performer!" Furthermore, a fan made the humorous remark, "Where does he find the time to do everything he does?" and "My promise, my whole family is going to watch this movie," said another ecstatic fan.
The life of Jaswant Singh Khalra, a well-known Sikh human rights advocate who attracted international notice for his study on 25,000 unlawful killings and cremations committed by Punjab police, is the subject of the upcoming biopic-drama.
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